Professional Access Plan - Out of State Customers

Thank you for being our Customer.

As a Professional Access client, we are pleased to provide you with priority support, without all the paperwork.

By selecting a Professional Access plan, you (the "Client") are hiring Web Loft Designs on a retainer basis to provide on-demand support and maintenance for your website under the following terms.

  1. Upon request, Web Loft Designs will provide an estimate for work to be performed.
  2. Upon approval from the Client, work will proceed and a final logged hours will be deducted from the Retainer bucket.
  3. Estimate may be more or less than final hours logged and retainer bucket will be deducted accordingly.
  4. While we do our best to provide accurate estimates prior to beginning work, should hours exceed estimate, a representative of Web Loft Designs must inform the Client and gain approval prior to proceeding.
  5. Should hours logged exceed the total number of hours remaining in your Retainer bucket, Web Loft Designs will proceed with work and send final invoice for balance owed upon completion.  Additional hours will be charged at the standard maintenance rate of $90.00 per hour.
  6. Hours never expire, and may be applied to project work.

Professional Access Plan services include and are not limited to:

Updates; troubleshooting issues Update the WordPress core, plugins, integrations and themes and ensure that everything works as planned and solve any issues that arise.
Backups Perform automatic and/or manual backups on a regular schedule. Backups will be used to restore the website if needed.
Security updates Monitor threats and attacks, and set up security to prevent them. Perform security fixes and restore backups as needed. You could even include SSL certificates.
Site Monitoring Monitor speed issues, 404 errors, broken links, etc. and solve issues or make suggestions about how to resolve them. Testing functionality of forms, checkout process, search and page speed.
Analytics Use high-quality tools to analyze traffic and offer suggestions for content, design, etc. This can also include A/B testing.
Consulting Expert advice on business processes, back office operations, systems integrations and more. Conference calls, emails, and meetings in person for training and consulations
Changes to website including content Updates to content, such as images, text, and layout changes. Additional features and functionsl upon request such as forms, integrations with third party systems such as CRM, QuickBooks, etc.
Keeping up with the best practices Follow compliance requirements such as ADA, GDPR, best design and code practices, etc.

Service Level Response Time

Severity Level Description Response Time
Urgent Represents a complete loss of service or a significant feature that is completely unavailable, and no workaround exists. Does not include development issues or problems in staging environments. 2 business hours
High Represents a partial loss of service with severe impact to the business and no workaround exists. 4 business hours
Normal Minor loss of service. The result is an inconvenience, which may require a temporary workaround. 2 business days
Low No loss of service. The result does not prevent operation of the software. 5 business days

Purchase Professional Access Plan

(Please include a note in your PayPal transaction as to the company you are purchasing maintenance hours on behalf of.)


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